Batwing Fairing
Harley Switchback Batwing Fairing with Speakers and Stereo System 193-0000
2012-present Harley Switchback Fairing
What’s that on the road? It’s a tourer, it’s a cruiser, it’s a Harley Switchback. Designed to be two bikes in one, the Switchback is well suited to the kind of riding you have in mind. Your new Vector Batwing Fairing will add even more to the appeal, no matter which alter-ego you’re riding at any time.
The custom fairing design fits easily on most Switchback configurations and adds great looks, enhanced comfort and improved economy whether you’re on a multi-state tour, or an afternoon mountain road cruise. Lightweight, strong and scratch resistant, a Vector Batwing Fairing fits right in with your Switchback’s split personality.
Our advice? Leave the panniers in place and carry a change of clothes. When you’re riding with the added comfort of a Vector Batwing Fairing, the desire to just keep riding may be more than you can resist.
(1) Base Price - Smooth Front Fairing
(2) Base Price + $30.00 - Simulated Vent Fairing - Accepts digital media receiver and not a traditional single DIN head unit
NOTE: The Vector Batwing Fairing Does Not have a functioning vent. The words “simulated vent” and “vented-look” refer to the cosmetic design of this fairing, which makes it appear to have a vent. We do not offer a truly vented fairing.