Batwing Fairing
Suzuki Boulevard C50 Batwing Fairing with Speakers and Stereo System 183-0000
Sleek Aerodynamic design
If you already have Memphis Shades 48mm to 55mm Fork Clamps MEM 9954, then our fairing will mount to these. If you do not have the Memphis Shades clamps, then we offer fork clamps. Installation requires 4 pieces (2 sets) of the fork clamps.
Both Inner and Outer Pieces Included
Includes Brackets for Mounting to Fork Clamps
Heavy - Duty Construction
Protective Gelcoat
FREE Windshields Included – 1 clear and 1 tinted
True Hand Laid Fiberglass (not chopper gun) – lighter and STRONGER than plastic
(1) Base Price - Smooth Front Fairing
(2) Base Price + $30.00 - Simulated Vent Fairing - Accepts digital media receiver and not a traditional single DIN head unit
NOTE: The Vector Batwing Fairing Does Not have a functioning vent. The words “simulated vent” and “vented-look” refer to the cosmetic design of this fairing, which makes it appear to have a vent. We do not offer a truly vented fairing.