Batwing Fairing
Yamaha V Star 650/1100 Classic Batwing Fairing with Fork Clamps Speakers and Stereo System 195-0000
Yamaha V Star 1300 Batwing Fairing
The Yamaha V Star has become a favorite of many cruiser fans because it offers the visual appeal and comfort of a V-twin with the efficiency and handling of a smaller bike. When Yamaha created the Star brand for its cruisers, the goal was to create a focus on this popular motorcycle style and experience. Power and speed aside, cruisers are meant for cruising. That means comfort over the long haul and a Vector Batwing Fairing can substantially add to that comfort. And do so with style, quality and attention to detail.
Construction is hand laid fiberglass, not ABS plastic. The finish is smooth and tough gelcoat, not a quick spray of primer. And the design complements the overall look of your V Star while adding both comfort and convenience.
When it comes to choosing your Yamaha V Star, there are several options available. But, when you’re ready to add the comfort of a batwing fairing, the choice is clear. Vector is the best value in terms of materials, design and finish. It’s the quality you need at a price you can afford. It’s Vector.
(1) Base Price - Smooth Front Fairing
(2) Base Price + $30.00 - Simulated Vent Fairing - Accepts digital media receiver and not a traditional single DIN head unit
NOTE: The Vector Batwing Fairing Does Not have a functioning vent. The words “simulated vent” and “vented-look” refer to the cosmetic design of this fairing, which makes it appear to have a vent. We do not offer a truly vented fairing.